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5 Signs of Poor Insulation

Whether you’re in a freezing cold winter season or a searing hot summer, it is pretty evident that you would want your house to regulate its climate itself so that a comfortable and pleasing temperature could be maintained all year round.

Even though there are numerous options to maximize your home’s ability to stay temperate, there isn’t any effective option to offer unparalleled economy combined with high thermal efficiency as insulation. However, foil insulation tends to offer quality performance, that too at an affordable price.

If you are rather considerate regarding your family’s comfort and quality of living, getting quality insulation for your home is probably the best bet for you. However, if you happen to have old insulation or just the essential requirement installed during building, there is a high probability that your insulation wouldn’t provide maximum efficiency.

Keeping all of the aforementioned in mind, we have listed down five signs that would help you in determining whether you have poor insulation or not.

1.    Draughty Rooms

If you happen to live in an old house, draughty rooms are probably one of the most common issues that you must have encountered. If your house isn’t well sealed, the temperature inside will never be maintained at an appropriate level. If you feel as if your house is poorly sealed, there may be many factors contributing to the cause.

The first step to take in such a situation is to look at your doors and windows. Usually, old doors don’t fit perfectly and allow the air to flow freely between the gaps. If the situation has not gotten out of hand, it can be tackled by sealing the doors with rubber strips. On the flip side, if the issue is still not resolved, the last choice for you would be to replace the door.

Similarly, to maintain a healthy atmosphere, the windows have trickle vents, specifically to lot airflow. However, this turns out to be quite detrimental, which is why using a recovery ventilation unit is said to be a better option.

At last, if you feel like seals have been placed on all your gaps, the final step would be to insulate using a product such as multi-foil insulation. Not only will it improve airtightness, but it will also provide improved thermal performance.

2.    High Energy Bills

Suppose insulation has been installed at your house. In that case, you can know whether your home has insufficient or poor insulation or is under-insulated by performing a simple inspection of your energy bills over some specific time. Suppose you happen to notice an increase in the cost of the bills. In that case, there is a high probability that your thermal protection is not working as effectively as it should, and you should consider getting new insulation.

Going over the energy bills is probably the easiest way to spot changes that happened in the ability of your insulation system to regulate comfortable temperatures.

3.    Cold Floor or Cold Walls

The house’s structure is perhaps the first line of protection against the external weather conditions that penetrate that house. Upon touching the external walls of your house during the winter season, you would notice that they are typically quite cold. The reason behind this is that they are directly in contact with the external environment.

However, suppose you happen to notice that the floor or walls inside the house are cold to touch. In that case, it is undoubtedly a red flag that either you have poor quality insulation, or the installed insulation has aged enough that it isn’t working as effectively as it should. This means that it is time for you to consider replacing the insulation in your house.

4.    Ice Issues

If you notice that ice is building up around your house, this is another indication that you may have inadequate insulation. There are several issues that contribute to the cause when it comes to ice issues, and some of them are listed down below for your ease and understanding.

During the snowy season, a well-insulated house is expected to have a lot of snow on the rooftop, and the primary reason for this is that no heat can reach, which is why the snow won’t melt. However, if the roof has poor insulation, the heat inside the house will escape to the roof via the ceiling and melt the snow there. The snow, melted into water, will then travel down the roof into the gutter and will freeze there. As a result, ice dams would be created, which may cause draining problems.

5.    Temperatures Rising During Summer

If you happen to live in an area where you experience both summer and winter seasons, you need to make appropriate arrangements for the insulation accordingly.

Let’s say that you’ve turned on the air conditioner for one hour, and then you turn it off, and the room’s temperature is chilly right after you turn it off. However, if after a few minutes, you start to feel as if someone has turned on the heater, and the temperature of the room starts to rise.

The primary reason for the situation explained above is that you have poor quality insulation, and the heat has entered into the room via the ceiling or the walls.


After reading the above-mentioned signs, you would probably be well equipped to know whether or not you need new insulation in your house. Hence, it would be best if you acted according to the situation’s intensity to live peacefully in your house.

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